Thank you to everyone who participated in our 

2024 Inspired Teacher's Institute!

Join us in Cincinnati for a powerful day with like-minded early childhood professionals from across Ohio. Our day is filled with opportunities to network, discover and learn together, tour a preschool that serves ages 2 years old through prek, and hear from our keynote speaker. Continental breakfast and lunch is included, and you might win a raffle basket! 

Keynote Address:

Making Learning Visible: Expanding our View of the Possible


The Municipal Preschools and Infant-toddler Centers of Reggio Emilia, Italy, are arguably the most powerful experiment in early childhood education of the last fifty years. These schools have drawn international attention to the extraordinary capacities of children as individual and group learners, the potentials of dedicated teachers, and the role of education in a democratic society. In this talk, Mara Krechevsky explores two key components of the Reggio approach: the power of the group as a learning environment and documentation as a way to shape and deepen learning. Making learning visible through documentation gives children, families, educators, and others a basis for discussion and reflection about children's ways of learning and living, expanding our view of the possible. 

Keynote Speaker: 

Our Keynote speaker, Mara Krechevsky is a senior researcher at Project Zero (PZ) at the Harvard Graduate School of Education. Mara has been conducting educational research for 40 years, including directing Making Learning Visible (MLV), an investigation into documenting and assessing individual and group learning from preschool to high school, based on collaborative research with educators from Reggio Emillia, Italy. Mara also co-directed Children Are Citizens, a project based on the belief that even young children are citizens of the here-and-now, and Inspiring Agents of Change, a project to cultivate children’s inventive dispositions. She is currently a researcher on the Pedagogy of Play and Educating for American Democracy projects. Her most recent co-authored books are A Pedagogy of Play: Supporting Playful Learning in Classrooms and Schools and Visible Learners: Promoting Reggio-Inspired Approaches in All Schools. Mara is also the unanointed limericist at PZ.

Recent Past Inspired Teacher's Institutes

2023-- Working with Children in our Current Complex Context Keynote Speakers: Katie Thornton and Justin Moorman

2022--Pursuing an Amiable Environment: A Place where children, families, and teachers are welcomed and inspired Keynote Speaker: Rukia Monique Rogers
2020--The Hundred Languages of Documention Keynote Speakers: Ann Pelo and Susan Stacey